Life has its cycles. Everything in this world has done to move without rest. Nothing is quiet or disappear but it is constantly involved in a transformation process. We are limited, we need to rest to recover the energy we have been using during the day, we need to be repaired. But even when we are sleeping we are moving in a certain way: our internal processes never stop, this is only possible when we die. Sometimes we stop doing things that we love to spend time in other activities, not always more fun or enjoyable, it is not that at all, it's just because we are moving in spirit to go in another direction. Probably that kind of experience is closer to free spirits, needing full engagement of the heart, mind, and hands, and mostly occurs when you are not strictly attached by contracts. Such are artisans. They have many projects at a time and their inner soul, the inspiration,...
El Entrevero. Escultor: José Belloni. Hello, friends! It is cold in Uruguay. We are trying to deal with the COVIT-19 and to take cover at a time. Some days, the wind is so strong, that makes you feel like a piece of paper circling up in the sky and making the wind chill temperature even lower. Here, the situation is under control and the citizens feel confident in the way the president is making decisions. The city is still quiet, the street musicians are not taken their places in squares and boulevards, there are no birds singing, just pigeons. You can see few children or grannies walking on the streets and the parks are empty for security reasons. But people are going to work, the stores are open and also some restaurants. Churches are doing mass with a restricted protocol and timetable. Most of the people are using masks and sanitizers in their hands; nowadays you can find sanitizer everywhere, but it is...