People started to know about our little project, so they donated materials. I received yarn from many people and also from the nuns of the city who work in schools and hospitals. One of them, Sister Inés, died last April during the pandemic, it was such a sad moment because I really was close to her. She was kind and cheerful, always ready to help others, open hands, open arms, open heart.
It was really fun to design the blankets with so many colors, thinking It was not only me but there were many people's hands involved. We worked for three months. I invested two hours a day every day and it was enough to finish by the beginning of July.
The day to visit the institution had come. I was so excited! It was really nice to know the women that work in such an inspiring activity, but also some pregnant women and some babies that were nursed while their mothers were working. I felt so grateful for having done this, that I decided to do it every year as I can. Help others really make you feel happy.
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