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Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2019

La Tejedora. Cuento breve de Marina Colasanti, 2004

LA TEJEDORA Se despertaba cuando todavía estaba oscuro, como si pudiera oír al sol llegando por detrás de los márgenes de la noche. Luego, se sentaba al telar. Comenzaba el día con una hebra clara. Era un trazo delicado del color de la luz que iba pasando entre los hilos extendidos, mientras afuera la claridad de la mañana dibujaba el horizonte. Después, lanas más vivaces, lanas calientes iban tejiendo hora tras hora un largo tapiz que no acababa nunca. Si el sol era demasiado fuerte y los pétalos se desvanecían en el jardín, la joven mujer ponía en la lanzadera gruesos hilos grisáceos del algodón más peludo. De la penumbra que traían las nubes, elegía rápidamente un hilo de plata que bordaba sobre el tejido con gruesos puntos. Entonces, la lluvia suave llegaba hasta la ventana a saludarla. Pero si durante muchos días el viento y el frío peleaban con las hojas y espantaban los pájaros, bastaba con que la joven tejiera con sus bellos hilos dorados para que el sol v...

When the things come in the right moment.

             When we choose a destiny, something happens and the roads start to be lighted. The most importat here is the desire we have to meet the goal, that fire inside of  us. When our heart is filled by love, we get more energy  to keep going with strength and perseverance. When we have love, we get it all. Saint Paul used to say: without love we are nothing.               Like every road it has stones, potholes, curves, and cliffs. There aren't straight ways, perfects or clean. So we have to walk with prudence and effort, taking out the stones, always looking forward to reduce the speed when a closed curve or a cliff comes; but we also have to learn to identify the highways and to think if we are prepared to go faster or even if it is necessary.               I started this bussiness with few and simple things: needles, threads, some recycle fabrics mixed wit...

Old things, new beginnings

We started this month with great enthusiasm and creativity. We have finished a new model combining blue jeans, cotton and a touch of pink wool. While making it, I was surprised about how a touch of a bright color can give joy to the dark ones. Such is life! This pink flowers are like a hug, a smile, or maybe music we like to hear. Let's open our hearts to recieve all the gifts that are like  rain to the plants, something good and refreshing. I like sewing quilts with recycled materials because it joins things that were once separated and useless, giving them another sense, creating something new; cutting and discarding what is totally destroyed, letting them go. Look what  a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt you don't want to use any more can become.  January is the month of hope and new beginnings!